Author: NEWS

  • Der frühere „That ’70s Show“-Star Danny Masterson legt Berufung gegen Verurteilung wegen Vergewaltigung ein

    Der frühere „That ’70s Show“-Star Danny Masterson legt Berufung gegen Verurteilung wegen Vergewaltigung ein

    2024-12-19 22:31:00

    Schauspieler Danny Masterson sitzt im Gefängnis. 30 Jahre lebenslange Haftstrafe Er sitzt im Gefängnis und versucht, seine Verurteilung wegen der Vergewaltigung zweier Frauen aufzuheben, doch sein Anwalt behauptet, er habe kein faires Verfahren erhalten.

    Los Angeles-Jury Masterson für schuldig befunden Letztes Jahr wurde er in zwei Fällen wegen gewaltsamer Vergewaltigung oder aus Angst angeklagt, weil er 2003 in seinem Haus in den Hollywood Hills zwei Frauen in unterschiedlichen Fällen angegriffen hatte. Etwa zur gleichen Zeit trat er in der „That ’70s Show“ von Fox Television auf. Die Geschworenen waren in einem Fall, in dem es um ein drittes mutmaßliches Opfer ging, festgefahren. Der Prozess wurde im Mai 2023 fortgesetzt. Justizirrtum Im November 2022.

    Masterson, 48, ist in der California Men’s Colony inhaftiert, einem Gefängnis mit minimaler und mittlerer Sicherheitsstufe im San Luis Obispo County.

    Der Berufungsanwalt von Masterson, Cliff Gardner, reichte am Dienstag die Eröffnungsrede des Berufungsklägers ein und argumentierte, dass Zeugen im Laufe der Zeit unterschiedliche Versionen der Geschichte erzählt hätten. In dem Schriftsatz wird außerdem behauptet, dass Beweise, die Mastersons Verteidigung geholfen hätten, aufgrund einer von Gardner als fehlerhaft bezeichneten Entscheidung des Gerichts nicht vorgelegt wurden. Gardner argumentiert in den Gerichtsakten, dass diese Faktoren die Aufhebung der Verurteilung unterstützen.

    Schauspieler Danny Masterson wegen Vergewaltigung angeklagt
    Los Angeles, Kalifornien – 18. September: Der Schauspieler Danny Masterson wurde am 18. September 2020 im Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center in Los Angeles wegen Vergewaltigung angeklagt.

    Lucy Nicholson/Getty Images

    Mastersons Verteidigung argumentierte vor Gericht, dass Masterson beide Frauen sozial kannte und dass seine sexuelle Beziehung mit ihnen einvernehmlich war.

    „Obwohl es wahr ist, dass der Angeklagte keinen Anspruch auf ein vollständiges Verfahren hat, hat er dennoch Anspruch auf ein faires Verfahren“, heißt es in dem Schriftsatz. „Danny Masterson hat beides nicht angenommen. Wir brauchen eine Trendwende.“

    Während des Prozesses wurde eine der weiblichen Mastersons später wegen Vergewaltigung verurteilt. Im Zeugenstand brach ich in Tränen aus. Sie sagte aus, dass der Mann sie erdrosselt und mit einem Kissen erstickt habe, als der Mann sie angegriffen habe und sie versucht habe, sich zu wehren, so Associated Press.

    „Ich konnte nicht atmen“, sagte sie weinend.

    Als die Staatsanwälte sie fragten, was sie damals dachte, sagte sie laut Associated Press, ihr Leben sei in Gefahr.

    „Er hat versucht, mich zu töten“, sagte sie. „Dass ich sterben würde.“

    Später sagte sie aus, dass Masterson eine Waffe aus ihrem Nachttisch hervorgeholt und ihr gesagt habe, sie solle ruhig sein, wenn sie Stimmen an der Tür höre. Sie erzählte den Geschworenen, dass sie die ganze Nacht über immer wieder bewusstlos gewesen sei.

    Masterson und die Opfer waren Mitglieder der Scientology-Kirche, die in den Mittelpunkt des Falles geriet, nachdem die Frauen sagten, sie seien verfolgt und belästigt worden, nachdem sie die Polizei gerufen hatten.

    sie sind Verklagte Masterson und das Kirchenzeitalter Zuvor im Zusammenhang mit diesen Anschuldigungen.

    Während des Prozesses teilte der stellvertretende Bezirksstaatsanwalt Reinhold Möller den Geschworenen mit, dass die Kirche Vergeltungsmaßnahmen gegen Opfer ergriffen habe, die die Vergewaltigung einer 28-jährigen Frau und den Angriff auf eine 23-jährige Frau im April 2003 angezeigt hätten. Jahr.

    „Nachdem sie unter Drogen gesetzt wurden, wurden sie von diesem Kerl hier vergewaltigt.“ Sagte Mueller und zeigte quer durch den Gerichtssaal. gegen Masterson während der Schlussplädoyers. „Sie haben die Chance zu zeigen, dass es Gerechtigkeit gibt. Gerechtigkeit existiert.“

    Die Kirche gab damals eine Erklärung ab, in der sie die Vorwürfe widerlegte.

    „Die Kirche verfügt über keine Richtlinie, die es Mitgliedern, ob Scientologen oder nicht, verbietet oder davon abhält, kriminelle Aktivitäten den Strafverfolgungsbehörden zu melden“, heißt es in der Erklärung. „Ganz im Gegenteil. Die Richtlinien der Kirche verlangen eindeutig, dass Scientologen alle Gesetze dieses Landes befolgen. Alle gegenteiligen Behauptungen sind völlig falsch.“

    In neuen Schriftsätzen, die für Mastersons Berufung eingereicht wurden, sagte Gardner, dass die Opfer ihre Geschichten im Laufe der Jahre „drastisch“ geändert hätten und dass sie aus finanziellen Gründen dazu motiviert gewesen seien Gardner sagte in Gerichtsdokumenten, dass die Verjährungsfrist für Schadensersatzklagen vor dem Prozess abgelaufen sei, Masterson jedoch nach staatlichem Recht nicht für schuldig befunden werden könne, weil er mehrere Opfer gewaltsam vergewaltigt habe. Er argumentierte, dass die Verjährungsfrist wieder in Kraft gesetzt werde.

    Gardner sagte in seinem Schriftsatz, dass die Entscheidung des Gerichts verhindert habe, dass Beweise im Zusammenhang mit diesem Argument vor Gericht zugelassen würden.

    In den Gerichtsakten sagte er auch, dass seit der Übermittlung der Anzeige an die Strafverfolgungsbehörden mehr als ein Jahrzehnt vergangen sei und dass einige Zeugen gestorben seien, bevor der Prozess verhandelt werden könne, und dass die Polizei Herrn Masterson angeblich nicht verteidigen könne verlorene Tonbänder von Zeugenbefragungen, die hilfreich gewesen wären.

    Nachdem Masterson nach einem sechstägigen Prozess für schuldig befunden worden war, veröffentlichte eine der wegen Vergewaltigung verurteilten Frauen eine Erklärung, in der sie sagte, sie sei „erleichtert“. er wurde verurteilt.

    Eine der Frauen, die Masterson wegen Vergewaltigung verurteilt hatte, sagte in einer Erklärung: „Ich bin erleichtert, erschöpft, stark und traurig zu wissen, dass mein Täter, Danny Masterson, für seine kriminellen Taten zur Verantwortung gezogen wird. Ich habe diesbezüglich gemischte Gefühle.“ sagte er. Sein Zuhause im Jahr 2003.

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  • West Indies vs Bangladesh 3rd T20I Scorecard: Live Score and Updates

    West Indies vs Bangladesh 3rd T20I Scorecard: Live Score and Updates

    2024-12-19 18:06:00

    The third and final T20I of the current program series between the West Indies and Bangladesh will take place on Friday December 20. The match will be played at the Arnos Vale Ground, Kingstown.

    Having already conceded the series, West Indies have nothing left to be proud of in the third T20I. Bangladesh, on the other hand, has the opportunity to achieve a historic whitewash.

    After beating West Indies by 7 runs in the first match of the series, Bangladesh beat the hosts in the second match by 27 runs to lead 2–0 in the series.

    Batting, Bangladesh recovered from 88 for 7 to post a respectable total of 129/9 in the allotted 20 overs. Shamim Hossain once again impressed with the bat, scoring an unbeaten 35 off 17 balls. In response, West Indies were reeling at 42/6 at one point. They were ultimately eliminated for a paltry total of 102 points.

    With West Indies and Bangladesh now set for the final match of the series, stay tuned and follow Addicted to the cricket for all live updates, ball-by-ball commentary and a detailed scorecard of this match.

    West Indies vs Bangladesh Match Details:

    Match: West Indies vs Bangladesh, 3rd T20I
    Date: December 20, 2024
    Place: Arnos Vale Ground, Kingstown, St. Vincent
    Time: 05:30 IST/20:00 local time (December 19)

    West Indies vs Bangladesh, Live Score and Coverage:

    The third T20I between West Indies and Bangladesh will not be telecast live on any TV channel in India. However, live streaming of the game will be available on the FanCode app and website.

    Moreover, one can also stay updated with all the actions of the game by following this page. Here we will provide the following details:

    • Live Score: Real-time updates of every performance played during the match.
    • West Indies vs Bangladesh scorecard, including ball-by-ball commentary

    Head-to-head record West Indies vs Bangladesh:

    West Indies and Bangladesh have played 18 T20Is against each other so far. Out of these 18 matches, West Indies won 9, Bangladesh won 7 while 2 matches ended in a draw.

    West Indies and Bangladesh play XI:

    West Indies Probable XI:

    • Brandon King
    • Johnson-Charles
    • Nicolas Pooran
    • Roston Chase
    • André Fletcher (week)
    • Rovman Powell (c)
    • Gudakesh Motie
    • Akéal Hosein
    • Shepherd Romario
    • Alzarri Joseph
    • Obed McCoy

    Bangladesh Probable XI:

    • Tanzid Hassan
    • Litton Das (c and week)
    • Afif Hossain
    • Mehidy Hasan Miraz
    • Jaker Ali
    • Mahedi Hasan
    • Shamim Hossain
    • Rishad Hossain
    • Tanzim Hasan Sakib
    • Taskin Ahmed
    • Hasan Mahmoud

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  • 16 kurzfristige CDs, in die sich bis 2025 eine Investition lohnt

    16 kurzfristige CDs, in die sich bis 2025 eine Investition lohnt

    2024-12-19 21:09:00

    Es ist Zeit, Geld zu verdienen. Zeit ist Geld. Zeitmanagement. Der Zeiger legt die Uhr als Münze ins Sparschwein.
    Wenn Sie planen, vor dem neuen Jahr eine kurzfristige CD zu eröffnen, sollten Sie diese wichtigen Kontooptionen in Betracht ziehen.

    Getty Images

    Seit einigen Jahren gibt es Sparer, die sparen wollen Geldgewinn maximieren Es gab so viele tolle Möglichkeiten. Wie sich herausstellt, hat das Hochzinsumfeld, das es schwierig macht, Geld zu erschwinglichen Konditionen zu leihen, auch eine positive Seite: hohe Zinsen auf verzinslichen Konten. Infolgedessen verfügten Sparer, die eine hohe Rendite für ihr Geld suchten, über viel Geld. Hochverzinsliches Sparkonto Und Einlagenzertifikat Wählen Sie aus.

    Allerdings hat sich das Zinsumfeld in den letzten Monaten verändert. Die Inflation hat sich im Vergleich zu vor einigen Jahren dramatisch abgekühlt, und infolgedessen hat die Federal Reserve ihren Leitzins dreimal gesenkt. Die letzten Zinssenkungen kommen diese Woche. Infolgedessen werden die Zinsen der Fed im Jahr 2024 um insgesamt 1 Prozentpunkt gesenkt. den wirtschaftlichen Druck etwas entlasten Es hat sich auch negativ auf Kreditnehmer ausgewirkt, die Wohnungsbaudarlehen, Privatkredite und Eigenheimkredite aufnehmen müssen. CD-Preis Und Hochverzinsliche Ersparnisse.

    Das bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass Sparer völliges Pech haben. Obwohl die CD-Raten möglicherweise sinken, sind sie insgesamt immer noch recht hoch, insbesondere im Vergleich zu historischen Raten. Und jetzt, kurzfristige CDkönnte unter anderem eine lukrative Option sein, die man jetzt in Betracht ziehen sollte. Wenn Sie jedoch vor Beginn des neuen Jahres eines dieser Konten eröffnen, CD-Konten, die die besten Renditen bieten Das heutige Tarifumfeld umfasst:

    Vergleichen Sie noch heute online die besten CD-Kontooptionen.

    16 kurzfristige CDs, in die sich bis 2025 eine Investition lohnt

    Wenn Sie vor dem neuen Jahr planen, einen Teil Ihrer Ersparnisse auf ein kurzfristiges CD-Konto zu übertragen, kann es sich lohnen, diese Optionen in Betracht zu ziehen.


    • TotalBank – 4,71 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 25.000 $ und ein Mindestguthaben von 25.000 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Ihr Geld vor Fälligkeit Ihres CD-Kontos abheben müssen, beträgt die Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung 30 Tage Zinsen.
    • Baskische Bank – 4,65 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 1.000 $ und ein Mindestguthaben von 1.000 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Ihr Geld vor Fälligkeit Ihres CD-Kontos abheben müssen, beträgt die Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung 90 Tage Zinsen.
    • Brilliant Bank – 4,60 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 1.000 $ und ein Mindestguthaben von 1.000 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Ihr Geld vor Fälligkeit Ihres CD-Kontos abheben müssen, entspricht die Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung der Hälfte der Zinsen, die Sie verdienen würden, wenn Sie das CD-Konto bis zur Fälligkeit behalten würden.
    • American Bank – 4,50 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 500 $ und ein Mindestguthaben von 500 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Ihr Geld vor Fälligkeit Ihres CD-Kontos abheben müssen, beträgt die Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung 90 Tage Zinsen.

    Sehen Sie, welche CD-Tarife Sie derzeit verdienen können.


    • Amerant – 4,75 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 10.000 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Geld abheben müssen, bevor Ihr CD-Konto fällig wird, beträgt die Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung 90 Tage Zinsen auf den abgehobenen Betrag.
    • Belco Credit Union – 4,75 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 500 $ und ein Mindestguthaben von 500 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Ihr Geld vor Fälligkeit Ihres CD-Kontos abheben müssen, beträgt die Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung 90 Tage Zinsen.
    • Broteinsparungen – 4,75 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 1.500 $ und ein Mindestguthaben von 1.500 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Ihr Geld vor Fälligkeit Ihres CD-Kontos abheben müssen, beträgt die Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung 90 Tage Zinsen.
    • Chartway Federal Credit Union – 4,70 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 500 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Geld abheben müssen, bevor Ihr CD-Konto fällig wird, können Vorfälligkeitsentschädigungen anfallen.


    • Quorum Federal Credit Union – 4,75 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 1.000 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Geld abheben müssen, bevor Ihr CD-Konto fällig wird, beträgt die Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung 1 % des Abhebungsbetrags.
    • Pacific National Bank – 4,65 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 1.000 $ und ein Mindestguthaben von 1.000 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Geld abheben müssen, bevor Ihr CD-Konto fällig wird, können Vorfälligkeitsentschädigungen anfallen.
    • Brilliant Bank – 4,55 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 1.000 $ und ein Mindestguthaben von 1.000 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Ihr Geld vor Fälligkeit Ihres CD-Kontos abheben müssen, entspricht die Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung der Hälfte der Zinsen, die Sie verdienen würden, wenn Sie das CD-Konto bis zur Fälligkeit behalten würden.
    • NASA Federal Credit Union – 4,54 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 10.000 US-Dollar und ein Mindestguthaben von 10.000 US-Dollar erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Ihr Geld vor Fälligkeit Ihres CD-Kontos abheben müssen, beträgt die Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung 182 Tage Zinsen.


    • Fort Liberty Federal Credit Union – 4,60 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 25.000 $ und ein Mindestguthaben von 25.000 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Ihr Geld vor Fälligkeit Ihres CD-Kontos abheben müssen, beträgt die Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung 90 Tage Zinsen.
    • DuGood Credit Union – 4,59 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 1.000 $ und ein Mindestguthaben von 1.000 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Geld abheben müssen, bevor Ihr CD-Konto fällig wird, können Vorfälligkeitsentschädigungen anfallen.
    • GTE Financial – 4,59 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 500 $ und ein Mindestguthaben von 500 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Ihr Geld vor Fälligkeit Ihres CD-Kontos abheben müssen, beträgt die Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung 180 Tage Zinsen.
    • FivePoint Credit Union – 4,54 % effektiver Jahreszins: Für diese CD ist eine Mindesteinzahlung von 1.000 $ und ein Mindestguthaben von 1.000 $ erforderlich, um den angegebenen effektiven Jahreszins zu verdienen. Wenn Sie Ihr Geld vor Fälligkeit Ihres CD-Kontos abheben müssen, beträgt die Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung 30 Tage Zinsen.


    Obwohl sich das Zinsumfeld ständig weiterentwickelt, haben Sparer immer noch die Möglichkeit, ihre Gewinne zu maximieren, indem sie die heutigen wettbewerbsfähigen kurzfristigen CD-Zinssätze nutzen. Obwohl diese Rate nicht auf unbestimmte Zeit anhalten wird, Sichern Sie sich den höchsten CD-Tarif Wir können jetzt zuverlässige und vorhersehbare Renditen bieten, auch wenn sich die allgemeinen wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen ändern. Durch einen sorgfältigen Vergleich der verfügbaren Optionen, wie z. B. der oben aufgeführten, können Sie eine fundierte Entscheidung treffen, die Ihren finanziellen Zielen entspricht. Warten Sie einfach nicht zu lange. Diese Zinssätze sind möglicherweise nicht von Dauer und Sie könnten etwas verpassen, wenn Sie jetzt nicht handeln.

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  • IPL 2025: 5 RCB players who made a big impact on Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy 2024

    IPL 2025: 5 RCB players who made a big impact on Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy 2024

    2024-12-19 16:30:00

    THE Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy (SMAT) 2024one of the most prestigious domestic T20 tournaments in Indiasaw several players put in exceptional performances, making a case for their inclusion in the next Indian Premier League (IPL) 2025 season. Among these notable artists were some key players in Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB)who impressed with his performances on the pitch.

    RCB 2024 season: a roller coaster ride

    RCB’s journey in IPL 2024 has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. After a difficult start to the season, the team made a remarkable comeback with six consecutive victories, thus securing their place in the playoffs. Despite their strong finish, the quest for their first ever IPL title remains elusive. With the 2025 edition on the horizon, RCB is gearing up for another chance at glory, hoping to utilize the best of their talent. The Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy performances have only increased the expectations of these players, who will now look to replicate their domestic success in the IPL.

    Also READ: Here’s how every IPL franchise reacted to Ravichandran Ashwin’s retirement from international cricket

    5 RCB players who shone at SMAT 2024

    1. Rajat Patidar: The consistent running machine of Madhya Pradesh

    Rajat Patidarcaptain of the Madhya Pradesh team, became one of the most consistent players in SMAT 2024. With 428 points in 10 matches, Patidar was the second highest scorer in the tournament. His highest-scoring innings came in the final, where he scored an unbeaten 81, although his team failed to win the trophy. Retained by RCB ahead of the IPL 2025 mega auction, Patidar’s form is expected to bolster the team’s top order, making him a key player in their campaign.

    2. Rasikh Dar: The feel of the rhythm of Jammu and Kashmir

    The 24-year-old medium-fast bowler Rasikh Dar made heads turn with his stellar performances for Jammu and Kashmir. In just seven matches, Dar collected 11 wickets, becoming his team’s leading wicket-taker. Known for his accuracy and ability to swing the ball, Dar’s inclusion in RCB adds depth to their bowling line-up. His youthful energy and raw talent will be crucial to RCB’s success in IPL 2025.

    3. Bhuvneshwar Kumar: the veteran leader of Uttar Pradesh

    Seasoned activist, Bhuvneshwar Kumar led Uttar Pradesh to the quarter-finals of SMAT 2024. The right-arm medium-fast bowler took 11 wickets in nine matches, showcasing his knack for delivering under pressure. With over a decade of IPL experience, Bhuvneshwar brings invaluable expertise to the RCB team. His ability to swing the ball on the power play and produce tight death overs makes him a vital player for the franchise’s aspirations.

    4. Krunal Pandya: The multi-purpose powerhouse of Baroda

    Krunal Pandyathe dynamic all-rounder, delivered a balanced performance for Baroda at SMAT 2024. As captain, he guided his team to the semi-finals, contributing both with the bat (136 runs) and ball (8 wickets in 9 matches). Known for his versatility and leadership, Krunal’s stint at RCB from Lucknow Super Giants brings a new dimension to the team. Fans will look forward to his match-winning abilities in the IPL.

    5. Mohit Rathee: The emerging all-round talent of services

    At only 25 years old, Mohit Rathee showed his all-round prowess at SMAT 2024. The young cricketer scored 100 runs and took 4 wickets in six matches for the Services team. Previously part of Kings of PunjabRathee was acquired by RCB in the IPL 2025 auction, recognizing his potential as a rising star. His ability to contribute to multiple facets of the game makes him a valuable asset to the team.

    Also READ: IPL 2025: 5 MI players who made a big impact in Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy 2024

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  • He went for a colonoscopy. The hospital charged them $19,000.

    He went for a colonoscopy. The hospital charged them $19,000.

    2024-12-19 21:16:00

    Tom Kontos is an avid runner. When I started experiencing rectal bleeding in March, I thought it could be caused by exercise and tried to ignore it. But as the bleeding continued for several weeks, he became increasingly anxious.

    A medical consultant in Chicago contacted a doctor at Northwestern Medical School who referred him for a colonoscopy. That’s at least in part because Kontos, 45, has a family history of colon problems.

    “I exercise a lot,” he said. “But my partner said this is not normal. My doctor said, ‘Given your family history, let’s admit you.’”

    Northwestern Memorial Hospital required him to pay a $1,000 copay upfront, and he underwent surgery in June.

    Then the bill came.

    medical treatment

    Colonoscopies are also performed in the United States. Over 15 million times One year. The incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing, especially among young people.

    The procedure is also a recommended screening for people over 45 and involves examining the colon using a tube equipped with a video camera that can also collect tissue samples.

    Dr. Glenn Rittenberg, who recently served as chairman of the reimbursement committee for the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, said the exam typically takes less than an hour, and an additional hour to review the patient’s medical history. The patient’s time will be spent listening to him, administering anesthesia, and monitoring his recovery.

    According to Kontos’ medical records, the gastroenterologist who performed the colonoscopy said it was “not difficult.” He performed biopsies to remove two small tumors called polyps and identified large internal hemorrhoids with swollen veins.

    The biopsy sample was sent to pathology for testing and was found to be pre-cancerous. However, the gastroenterologist reported that he found no evidence of cancer and, after reviewing the pathology report, concluded that the cause of the bleeding was likely hemorrhoids.

    final invoice

    The hospital charged a total of $19,206 for the surgery, including doctor’s fees. The insurance company negotiated the price down to $5,816 and paid $1,979, leaving the patient’s share of $4,047. (It’s not clear why the payment was slightly more than the negotiated price.) After Contos paid $1,000 upfront and another $1,381 immediately after the surgery, the hospital still owed $1,666. He said there is.

    Billing issues: Colonoscopies to find polyps are getting more expensive

    Kontos was shocked and angry when she received the itemized bill. “I said, ‘I don’t understand this.’ Then I started looking at the costs.”

    He asked the hospital how much he would pay for a colonoscopy and was told that a cost estimate would be sent to him through an online patient portal before the procedure.

    Taking into account his $3,200 deductible, the estimate listed a total cost of $7,203 and out-of-pocket costs of $2,381. He asked Northwestern why the cost was nearly three times the estimate and the out-of-pocket cost nearly double.

    One of the big reasons was revealed in an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statement from Kontos’ insurance company, Aetna. Northwestern was charging $5,466 each for two colonoscopies. The gastroenterologist then had two fees: $1,535 and $1,291.

    The first procedure was listed as “colonoscopy and biopsy,” and the second procedure was listed as “colonoscopy with lesion removal.” Aetna’s negotiated membership rates reduced the first $5,466 hospital stay to $3,425 and the second surgery to $1,787, a $1,638 reduction.

    Neither the bill nor the EOB explains why the second step is listed at a discounted price.

    After reviewing Mr. Kontos’ bill, Mr. Rittenberg said that the provider charges for two colonoscopies because of the extra work that occurs when two or more polyps are removed using different methods. He said it is standard to do so. He added that, as in this case, hospitals typically use modification codes that reduce the bill for the second colonoscopy, so you end up billing only for the additional work.

    “How do you explain that in sensible terms that everyone can understand?” Rittenberg said.

    Even with that reduction in mind, Rittenberg said he believes Contos’ total out-of-pocket cost of $4,047 is “high, although not unusual for a large academic center.”

    Aetna’s negotiated rates for colonoscopies at Northwestern were more than twice the median rate negotiated by insurers for the same procedures at other Chicago-area hospitals, according to Contos insurance documents. , said Forrest Hsiao, director of quantitative research at data collection company Turquoise Health. Medical pricing data.

    During an exchange with representatives from Northwestern and Aetna, Kontos asked why he was charged with two colonoscopies. Northwestern’s representatives said they were not actually charged for the two procedures because of the qualification code, which Contos found confusing.

    “I told Northwestern, ‘I’m not paying for that, you can send it to collections,’” he said. He disputed the charges with the hospital and Aetna, but was ultimately told the charges were correct.


    In an email, Kontos told the billing department that the charges were “ridiculously high.” The representative responded that Northwestern’s pricing is in line with other academic medical centers in Chicago and is “non-negotiable,” and that his account would be turned over to a collection agency.

    In a written statement to KFF Health News, CVS Health spokesperson Phillip Brand said Kontos’ benefits were “accurately paid” by Aetna and declined further comment. (CVS Health owns Aetna.)

    Northwestern did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

    Kontos said she wrote a letter to her doctor saying that she was disappointed in her resignation and was planning to leave Northwestern University altogether, citing the health care system’s high rates.

    He said he still suffers from periodic symptoms, which he uses over-the-counter Formulation H to alleviate. At CVS, a 1 oz tube of ointment costs $10.99.


    Rittenberg said that for a lower cost colonoscopy, patients should consider going to an independent endoscopy center or outpatient surgery center that is not affiliated with a hospital. 2023 survey It was found that outpatient surgery centers bill insurance companies an average of about $1,030 for a colonoscopy with biopsy or polyp removal, compared to $1,760 at hospitals.

    this month’s bill

    See more series

    To find out how much a diagnostic colonoscopy will cost, patients can refer to their hospital’s pricing website and their insurance company’s cost estimating website. Both of these websites are required by federal price transparency regulations.

    The patient also honest quote The cash price may be lower than the price if the patient pays for the procedure using insurance. Additionally, you can also check prices through websites such as: turquoise health and fair healthwhich utilizes federal price transparency data or claims data from insurance companies.

    Still, the actual cost may be higher than estimated if the colonoscopy finds one or more polyps that require removal and biopsy, which occurs in at least 40% of all colonoscopies. Rittenberg said. Patients should ask whether the price includes potential additional services. After all, the point of a diagnostic colonoscopy is to find and, if necessary, treat any lesions that may cause problems, no matter how many are found.

    Xiao said everything should be easier for patients: “You don’t have to be a medical billing expert to know how much you’re going to pay.”

    “This Month’s Bill” is a crowdsourced survey. KFF Health News and The Washington Post’s Well+Being A detailed explanation of medical expenses. Since 2018, this series has helped countless patients and readers reduce their healthcare costs and has been cited at statehouses, on Capitol Hill, and in the White House. Do you have a confusing or exorbitant medical bill that you would like to share? please tell me about it!

    KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism on health issues and is one of KFF’s core operating programs and an independent source of health policy research, polling, and journalism. Click here for details KFF.

    Subscribe Join KFF Health News for free morning briefings.

    this article It first appeared KFF Health News Republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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  • Northern Boxing Chat with Ryan Frazer – LIVE! Ryan vs. Mayer at MSG + Xander Big Win Recap | Latest Boxing News – Boxing Talk Up North

    Northern Boxing Chat with Ryan Frazer – LIVE! Ryan vs. Mayer at MSG + Xander Big Win Recap | Latest Boxing News – Boxing Talk Up North

    2024-10-26 12:42:00

    Welcome to Boxing Talk Up North with your host Ryan Frazer! Tonight we go live to break down all the action from the huge Ryan vs. Mayer fight at Madison Square Garden! 🥊 Will Ryan’s speed and power be enough to defeat the experienced Mayer? We will discuss the fight in detail and what’s next for both fighters. We also celebrate the massive victories of two rising stars: Xander Zayas and Bruce “Shu Shu” Carrington. Both fighters put on incredible performances, showing the world that they are ready for the next level. I’ll break down their wins and what it means for their careers going forward. Plus, we’ll cover the latest boxing news, including upcoming fights, rumors and all the surprises from the boxing world. Join the chat, give your opinion on the fights and let’s talk boxing! Don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification….

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  • Andrew Cuomo is suing a woman who accused him of sexual harassment for defamation

    Andrew Cuomo is suing a woman who accused him of sexual harassment for defamation

    2024-12-19 22:06:00

    Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo filed a lawsuit Thursday against a former aide who alleged he sexually harassed her in 2020. His legal filing came just days later. she withdrew her own lawsuit against him.

    In the filing, Cuomo’s lawyers alleged that Charlotte Bennett, a former executive assistant in his office, lied about him making sexual advances toward her.

    “Governor Cuomo did not make any sexual advances toward Bennett or sexually harass her,” his lawyers wrote Thursday in a notice filed in New York state court.

    Bennett was the second woman to accuse the then-governor of sexual harassment, including telling her he was “lonely” and asking her if she would be open to sex with an older man. She described Cuomo as “a textbook abuser” who made her “very uncomfortable.”

    After Bennett went public with her allegations in March 2021, Cuomo held a press conference in which he said he felt “embarrassed” and that he “never knew at the time that I was making anyone feel uncomfortable.”

    In Thursday’s filing, his attorneys wrote that the former governor faced “a cascade of damages” as a result of Bennett’s allegations.

    Cuomo resigned in August 2021 after the New York Attorney General released the message results of a study which revealed that he had sexually harassed at least eleven women, including Bennett.

    When that investigation came out, Cuomo denied ever sexually harassing women. “The facts are very different from what has been portrayed,” Cuomo said at the time. “I have never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances.”

    Last week, Bennett dropped a separate federal lawsuit she filed in 2022 accusing Cuomo of sexual harassment. In a statement posted by her lawyer on XBennett cited “invasive discovery requests” from Cuomo’s legal team that included her medical records from more than a decade ago.

    In their filing today, Cuomo’s attorneys note that their discovery requests fell “under the rules applicable to all federal lawsuits. They alleged that Bennett dropped her lawsuit to avoid being impeached and to “protect the overwhelming evidence of her false claims from ever becoming public.”

    Cuomo’s message said: “Bennett’s claims were … exposed as a sham during the discovery process.”

    As part of her statement last week, an attorney for Bennett said she would still pursue a case against New York State, her employer at the time of the alleged harassment. In a separate statement, Bennett called Cuomo’s legal filings “offensive.”

    “Throughout this extraordinarily painful two-year case, I have often believed that I would be better off dead than enduring more of his process abuses, which have caused extraordinary pain and expense to my family and friends,” Bennett said . “I desperately need my life.”

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  • A rare glimpse into Gaza shows the challenges complicating a humanitarian crisis

    A rare glimpse into Gaza shows the challenges complicating a humanitarian crisis

    2024-12-19 20:29:00

    Southern Gaza Strip — In a rare moment of access to the war-ravaged Palestinian territory, CBS News on Wednesday visited a crucial aid distribution center just inside the Gaza Strip, near the Karem Shalom border crossing from Israel. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza after more than a year of war between Israel and Hamas remains bad.

    Israeli officials say an average of about 200 trucks travel from Israel to Gaza every day through the Kerem Shalom checkpoint, carrying much-needed supplies for Palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire of the ongoing conflict.

    But a pressing question remains: is the aid reaching those who need it most?

    At the distribution center, truck drivers and aid workers told CBS News about the struggles they face, including the looting of humanitarian supplies, which they say remains a significant problem in Gaza. The chaos and lawlessness in the region often prevent supplies from reaching their intended recipients.

    “The aid is not getting through because the gangs are intercepting it on the way,” said Mohammed Shehibar, a Palestinian logistics coordinator from Al-Rimal, a neighborhood in Gaza City, who spoke to us while supervising workers loading forklifts with fresh goods . fruit.

    He said that of the 100 trucks that left this location, “only 70 or 60 reached their destination.” The rest, he said, was looted.

    “The only guarantee that aid can be delivered safely is that there will be some stability in Gaza,” he said. “They (the gangs) are taking positions near the border… near the (Israeli) army… and they are not experiencing any problems.”

    International aid organizations have also complained that not enough staff enters the Gaza Strip.

    Last Sunday on CBS News’ ‘Face The Nation with Margaret Brennan’ Cindy McCainthe head of the World Food Program, said her organization had only been able to get two aid trucks through the crossing in November.

    “That is not true,” said Colonel Abdullah Halabi, the head of Israel’s Coordination and Liaison Administration for Gaza. “Over the past two weeks, with our development of facilities around Gaza, as well as at other border crossings, the humanitarian community has managed to move an average of 200 trucks into central and southern Gaza.”

    Israeli officials insist that sufficient aid is flowing to Gaza. They highlight the difficulties of delivering supplies in an active war zone and call for greater assistance from the international community to ensure safe passage and effective distribution within the area. decimated enclave.

    Israel launched its military offensive in Gaza after Hamas’ brutal attack on Gaza October 7, 2023which killed approximately 1,200 people. More than 100 hostages seized by Hamas are still being held. Since the start of the war in Gaza at least 44,580 Palestinians According to the Hamas-run Health Ministry, the deaths have occurred and most residents have been internally displaced.

    The danger was palpable during our visit, as the sound of shelling echoed nearby. Aid truck drivers risk their lives to navigate the dangerous conditions created by Gaza’s destroyed infrastructure and security threats, highlighting the enormous challenges faced by both aid agencies and civilians in Gaza.

    However, there has been cautious hope lately as reports indicate that ongoing negotiations for a hostage release deal could lead to a temporary ceasefire and a wave of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

    If such a deal materializes, distribution centers like the one on the Gaza side of the Kerem Shalom border crossing could soon be flooded with additional supplies, offering a lifeline to those in desperate need.

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  • Navarrete knocks out Valdez with body shot in 6th round of rematch

    Navarrete knocks out Valdez with body shot in 6th round of rematch

    2024-12-08 06:06:00

    Emanuel Navarrete defeated Oscar Valdez in their rematch on Saturday night.

    A precise and aggressive Navarrete impressed in his return to the 130-pound division by hitting Valdez to the head and body in the main event of a 10-fight card at the Footprint Center in Phoenix. Navarrete dropped Valdez in the first, fourth and sixth rounds and became the first opponent to stop the former two-division champion the distance.

    Navarette’s left to Valdez’s body dropped him for the third time with 30 seconds on the clock in the sixth round. Referee Raul Caiz Jr. ruled him out at 2:42 of the sixth round.

    Mexican Navarrete (39-2-1, 32 KO) retained the WBO junior lightweight title by beating the always courageous Valdez into submission. Navarrete revived his career after a 12-round loss to Ukrainian Denys Berinchyk in his previous fight, which was contested in the 135-pound division, and a 12-round majority draw with Brazilian Robson Conceicao in 12 rounds. , 130-pound championship fight before Berinchyk beat him.

    Valdez (32-3, 24 KOs) lost by knockout for the first time in his 12-year, 35-fight professional career. The two-time Mexican Olympian’s only losses before Saturday night were unanimous points defeats over 12 rounds against Navarette in August 2023 and Shakur Stevenson in April 2022.

    Valdez, 34, was close to tears as he apologized to his fans who traveled from Mexico to watch their rematch in person.

    “We tried to get the win,” Valdez told ESPN’s Bernardo Osuna in the ring. “We really wanted it. We trained very hard for this. I would like to say that I am sorry to all these people who have come here to see me from all over, from Sonora, from Nogales, from Phoenix. …I wish I could have gotten a better result. Thanks for coming here to support us. Maybe next time.”

    Valdez twisted his right ankle when he fell after a knockdown in the first round. However, he later admitted that Navarrete was much more the reason for his TKO loss.

    “We slipped and fell and damaged our ankle a little bit,” Valdez said. “But that’s no excuse. (Navarrete) is a great champion. I take my hat off to him. »

    Navarrete acknowledged that their second fight was not as easy as it might appear historically on

    “Listen, Oscar Valdez was extremely strong in this fight,” Navarrete said. “And he kept moving forward, so what I had to do was stop him in his tracks and push him back. Because if you let Valdez come towards you down the slope, it’s going to be a long night.

    The beginning of the end Saturday night came when another vicious left uppercut from Navarrete sent Valdez into the ropes with about 1:20 left in the sixth round. Valdez tried to fight back, but Navarrete nailed him with the aforementioned left to the body, bringing the action to an abrupt halt.

    Navarrete’s violent assault continued into the fifth round. The champion caught Valdez with various punishing punches over the course of three minutes, punctuated by a crushing left uppercut that slammed Valdez’s mouthpiece to the canvas with seconds remaining in the fifth round.

    A left hook from Navarrete knocked Valdez off balance and put him in the corner with just over 1:40 left in the fourth round. Valdez stabilized himself before falling and did his best to make the rest of the fourth round competitive.

    However, just before the bell rang to end the fourth round, Navarrete landed several right hands on a retreating Valdez, who fell to the canvas for the second time in their fight.

    After suffering a knockdown in the second round, Valdez valiantly took on Navarrete and connected with his fair share of punches that helped him temporarily halt Navarrete’s momentum. Navarrete, taller, heavier and stronger, landed a right hand on the temple of a vulnerable Valdez that brought him to his knees with 25 seconds left in the first round. Navarrete looked much more effective from the start of this rematch than in his loss to Berinchyk.

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  • Arum seeks big fight for Teofimo

    Arum seeks big fight for Teofimo

    2024-12-19 19:48:00

    Promoter Bob Arum says he hasn’t given up on trying to arrange a fight between Teofimo Lopez and Jaron ‘Boots’ Ennis for early 2025. He wants to stage the fight between Lopez and IBF welterweight champion Ennis (33-0, 29 KOs). ) at Madison Square Garden in New York.

    The fight Arum wants

    If Ennis-Lopez is to perform, Arum will need to make a significant offer to encourage Boots and his promoter, Eddie Hearn, to accept him. Philadelphia is still focused on fighting a unification against one of the champions at 147.

    This must be a nightmare for Hearn, who signed Ennis to a multi-fight contract in April earlier this year. He fought twice against David Avanesyan and Karen Chukhadzhian in low level competitions which did not attract much interest.

    Boots turned down a move to 154 to challenge WBC interim champion Vergil Ortiz Jr. on Feb. 22, and he also reportedly isn’t interested in fighting Teofimo, even though it would bring in big money.

    “We are still continuing this fight. We would like this fight to happen. Are people talking to the Ennis. We want to make as big a fight as possible for Teofimo after the start of the year,” Bob Arum told Fight Hub TVabout wanting to arrange a fight between Teofimo Lopez and IBF welterweight champion Jaron ‘Boots’ Ennis for early 2025.

    “If it’s Ennis, the best place for this fight is Madison Square Garden. He’s so good they don’t want to fight him (Teofimo). We offered the fight to Haney, and Haney didn’t want it. We will find a big fight for Teofimo. He’s a great talent and a great personality, and he will do very well at the box office and on PPV.

    “We are all ready. It depends on the opponent and his people. I’m here in Saudi Arabia, so I don’t work there, but the guys back home, Morrett and Jeremy, work there every day. I like Telofimo because he has great talent, but it’s definitely a fight that will be close and will generate a lot of interest,” Arum said of a match between Boots Ennis and Ortiz.

    If Arum can’t make the Ennis-Ortiz fight, he’ll have to consider options for Teofimo because. He hasn’t had an interesting match since his fight in 2020 against Vasily Lomachenko in 20

    “Maybe Haney, but he doesn’t seem to have much interest in fighting, Haney,” Arum said when asked what the biggest fight was for Teofimo. “We’ll see when we get back. We’ll all meet up and see who’s the best guy available, and that’s who we’ll fight,” Arum said.

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